
Norahia lisää

Ravelry on kyllä petollinen. Vaikka olisi kesken Boyfriend Socksit (yksi sukanvarsi vielä!), Jaakolle villapaita (.. miten 8cm neulominen voi tuntua niiiin tuskastuttavan pitkältä?!), uusi aloitettu pitsihuivi, ikivanha Sandra-palmikkoneule, Arisaig.. niin silti sieltä Ravelrystä bongaa uusia ihania malleja, jotka on vain pakko aloittaa heti.

Ravelry is eeevil. Althought I have lots of UFOs (Boyfriend Socks, pullover for DF, lace shawl, etc) I had to start something new that I found from Ravelry.

Birgitten versio Cowl Pulloverista on mieletön. Knitting Nature-kirjassa malli ei yhtään kiinnosta, mutta hänen versionsa siitä on niiin mua. Niinpä mallitilkun kautta laskeskelin silmukat ja nyt on puikoilla jo melkein kokonaan takakappale neulottu Rowanin Rowanspun DK:sta tuplana. Tästä tulee kiva, ellei lanka lopu kesken.. ;f

Birgittes version of Cowl Pullover is amazing! In Knitting Nature-book I didn't really like the pattern, but since I saw her version of it, it just hit me. That is soooo me. So I made the swatch (!!), counted the stiches and now I have almost the whole back piece finished of Rowan Rowanspun DK held double. This is gonna be so nice, unless I ran out of the yarn.. ;f

2 kommenttia:

  1. Hey, that's the first time I've read something so nice about something I have made - on the Internet!! Thank you! :D

    I've just been browsing your blog - I really like your knits, choice of yarn and designs; I think we fall into the same category of young knitters.

    And aaaaw, your dog is cute! :)

  2. Hey, I just love your version of it so I HAVE to compliment it ! :) Really, some designs look better "in real life" than in the books.

    I went through your blog also and loved almost every knitted item you've made and wished, that I would have done those too so I have to agree with you that we fall into the same category :)
